January 2019 I was offered a contract instructor position at SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) to help with the New Media Production & Design course. I was also tasked with creating some branding for the graduating students show reels.
Teaching, motion graphics and video editing.
Below are two piece’s of media cut together to demonstrate different types of show reels. This one is targeted to a specific student audience, the core of the lesson centered on collaboration and the positive regard it can bring.
The second demo was made to develop something shorter and with no video footage. Everything was limited to graphics.
Branding material using student video assets, to demonstrate the capstone project 2nd year students are developing.
Lesson slides
A quick guide to understanding tools of measuring light and color.
I developed these slides as part of a presentation and lecture about color correction workflows and necessary tools of the trade: Scopes.
Graphic Design.